
Building Business Value Events

2018 Events

February 2019
Owner Vision and Health

March 2019
Getting your Financial Health in Order

April 2019
Developing a Scalable Business

May 2019
Building a great team

June 2019
Creating a culture of Radical Customer Service

July 2019
Competitive Advantage

August 2019
How to make your Marketing Pay

September 2019
Producing Consistent Sales Results

October 2019
Squashing value killers in your business

November 2019
Creating a culture of continuous improvement in business and personal life

2019 Events

February 2019
Owner Vision and Health

March 2019
Getting your Financial Health in Order

April 2019
Developing a Scalable Business

May 2019
Building a great team

June 2019
Creating a culture of Radical Customer Service

July 2019
Competitive Advantage

August 2019
How to make your Marketing Pay

September 2019
Producing Consistent Sales Results

October 2019
Squashing value killers in your business

November 2019
Creating a culture of continuous improvement in business and personal life

Event Descriptions


Financial Health & Strategy For Growing Business Value
Get Your Financial House in Order to Grow Value and Remove Stress

Financial wellness is the lifeblood of your business.  Let’s face it, it is easy to build bad financial habits.  If you are not healthy financially, you are sacrificing your time, family, and health with little hope of financial return.

Financial best practices will add dramatic value to your business.  And as an owner you can gain freedom. There are too many businesses with large top line revenue and profit so low the business has little value beyond inventory.

This workshop will introduce simple concepts that will return financial health.

In this workshop we will cover:

  • Rules for successful financial management
  • How to tame the cashflow monster
  • Better manage your largest expense
  • Avoiding the biggest financial mistakes

You will leave with information you can implement in your business.


Successfully Delegate To Your Team and Grow Sustainable Value While Increasing Your Freedom

Let’s face it, you got into business for yourself not to become a slave to your business. Does everything depends on you?  It is so common for owners to get stuck in their business both in regard to how big they can grow and how much time and emotional energy their business demands from them.

There is hope to implement the needed changes so you can run your business rather than it running you.

This workshop will introduce simple concepts that will help you to delegate successfully.

In this workshop we will cover:

  • What is necessary for delegation to work
  • How to Prioritize tasks to delegate
  • Building a dependable process for your team
  • Developing metrics and Key Performance Indicators so your team know how they are doing and how to succeed.


Building Value By Developing A Scalable Growing Business

How to position your business for growth through systems, processes, and mindset.

Does your team know how to succeed?  Are your processes built to allow your business to grow?   Without they right systems,processes and mindset it is difficult to grow not only revenue but to develop and maintain a successful team. 

Many business owners have not had the mental and emotional energy to develop reliable systems and processes that will allow for growth. This is not just in operations but also in how you consider revenue generation and marketing systems.  A business that is ready for growth is a business that is desirable to own and is worth more. With healthy profitable growth you can continue to increase your quality of life and income.

In this workshop we will cover:

  • What are the killers to scalable growth?
  • Simple Steps you can implement to develop healthy systems and processes.
  • Recurring Revenue models that can be implemented in any business
  • How to get buy in from employees for necessary changes?


Build a Great Team

How to build a great team by developing, retaining and attracting great talent and removing the wrong people?

One of the biggest challenges any business faces is their employees.  Owners often get so discourage and can begin to think that all of the best candidates are out of reach.  Companies can find themselves on the brink of closing the doors because of the wrong team members.  Even if you are financially healthy, owners often are carrying so much of the burden of their business that their own health and family suffer.

It doesn’t have to be this way there are simple things you can do to improve your team.

Here are some of the topics we will be covering in this month’s Building Business Value Series.

  • What are the steps you must take before hiring a new employee?
  • Developing a culture that will transform your business.
  • How to engage team members in success?
  • How do you fire the wrong employees?

This will be one of the most important topic we will cover this year.  You will leave with information you can implement in your business.


Radical Customer Service

Creating a culture of Radical Customer Service

Poor customer service kills profitability and company health.  Our customers expect to be treated with extreme care and yet most businesses struggle to get their employees engaged in getting the basics of product delivery.  It is very difficult to grow and increase the value of any business without good customer service and without growth your business is at risk.

If your customers experience poor service your cost to acquire new customers drastically increases, your margins decline, your morale suffers, employee retention is tough and your business as a whole can fail.  The energy to sustain a company with customer service issues creates stress and problems for you not only financially but in your overall health and happiness.

There is hope.

Here is what we will cover in our next Building Business Value Series:

  • What to do when your business struggles with Customer Service
  • What is really driving poor performance
  • How to motivate and engage your team
  • How to measure performance and what tools can you use to jumpstart your customer serve.


Meeting Competitive Advantage

How to Develop your Competitive Advantage and Grow Your Business

Most businesses are facing more and more competition and a decrease in customer loyalty.  It is crucial to  have a clearly defined competitive advantage and to continue to grow it.  The stronger your competitive advantage the more valuable your business. The biggest advantage to a growing competitive business is that it protects owners from fatigue.

Businesses struggling to compete without their own unique value are expensive to run and often unprofitable.   Potential customers are constantly bombarded with messages but without a clear competitive advantage you’re wasting marketing dollars and hindering your sales efforts.  Successful marketing efforts and consistent revenue performance depend on standing out from the competition in your team, product offering and how you go to market. 

A growing business that is competitive in the market place gives you as the owner the best opportunity to enjoy the financial rewards you desire and the freedom you long for.  It also gives your business increased desirability if you ever decide to sell. 

Here is what we will cover in our next Building Business Value Meeting:

  • Understanding what you can leverage in your business to stand out from the competition
  • Engaging your team and customers in growing your advantage
  • Areas you can develop and how to make progress
  • How to protect your competitive advantage


Meeting Marketing Systems

Developing Effective Marketing System to Drive Leads and Grow Your Business

Increased competition and changing customer dynamics have made getting the attention of your ideal prospects difficult.  Instead of developing an effective marketing system, often businesses rely on the personality and determination of their sales team and throw away dollars on poor performing marketing. 

The simple fact is that every business owner and employee who sells for an organization needs more opportunities to speak with qualified leads.  If your business is struggling to maintain or grow revenue and profitability the right marketing mindset, message and process are crucial.  The time invested to develop an effective lead generation strategy will produce dramatic results in the opportunities to grow your business.

And remember, a growing profitable business gives you as the owner the best opportunity to enjoy the financial rewards you desire and the freedom you long for.  It also gives your business increased desirability if you ever decide to sell. 

Here is what we will cover in our next Building Business Value Meeting:

  • Getting clarity on your who your ideal client is, how they think and what they really want
  • Aligning your message to cause action in your prospect
  • Developing an overall marketing strategy that works


Meeting Sales Systems

Developing Consistent Sales Results

Too many businesses struggle financially because they do not have enough revenue.  They are stuck and can not get to the next level because they are not closing enough business.  Some companies have people on their team who lack direction and accountability to sell more and spend resources on activities that generate poor results.  Often organizations rely on your salesperson’s personality and relationship skills but this is not scalable for your organization.

Sales performance is about the right kind of consistent action. A proven process take time to develop and refine but will allow you and your organization to increase revenue, profitability, provide you and your team a higher quality of life and ultimately make your business worth more.

I hope you will join us for the next Building Business Value Workshop where we will cover:

  • How to develop consistent sales process that works
  • Implement accountability and value for your sales team
  • Utilizing technology to stay on track to generate more revenue


Business Independence

Value killers to your business

Protect your business value from employee ,vendor or customer dependence

Being too dependent on a single vendor, employee or customer can be a disaster for a business owner who is thinking about retirement. Over the last 3 years I have met multiple owners who have lost significant value and even had to liquidate their businesses because they were not diversified.  Owners can find themselves coming out of retirement and in one case lost $4,000,000 in business value.   A key employees can create a hostage environment, vendor can drive your costs, or customer change how they buy the product you sell. 

Do not be a casualty of over dependence. Build a plan of how to diversify and begin the process of securing your business today.

I hope you will join us for the next Building Business Value Workshop where we will cover:

  • What is the cost to your value
  • What are the warning signs that you are too dependent
  • How to protect yourself and your business


Annual Business Check-up

Creating a success culture in your business and personal life

Change in an organization is a process and it takes time to move an organization to health or greater profitability.